Provides comprehensive protection for employees injured while performing job duties.
COIDA covers all workers affected by workplace accidents or diseases, whether casual or full time, including those who become ill, injured, disabled or killed.
Excludes workers who are guilty of wilful misconduct/ workers working outside South Africa for last 12 months/ members of the SA Defence Force/ Police services.
Promotes safety in the workplace.
Claiming processes are relatively simple.
Employees do not contribute towards fund.
Claiming processes can be time consuming.
Domestic/ Military workers not covered.
Implementation processes required by Act may be expensive.
Discriminatory actions
Employers who don't contribute to Compensation Fund.
Employers prevent employees from reporting accident.
Employers taking too long to process claims in claiming process.
Penalties for non-compliance
Refusing to lodge claim or contravening the Act can result in fines for businesses.
May be forced to pay recovery costs required by Compensation Fund.
Businesses found guilty of misconduct may face significant fines or imprisonment.
Ways to comply
Levies must be paid to Compensation Fund.
Report all incidents causing death/ illness of employees.
Business provide healthy/ safe working environment.