Cards (57)

  • He is a Hungarian doctor who was known as the pioneer of handwashing
    Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis
  • What is infection?
    It is a disease or condition in which germs get into the body and gradually grows in number
  • The harmful germs that cause infection are?
    bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites
  • People explain how an infection is passed around from person to person by using a picture of a chain called
    Chain of Infection
  • As long as the links of the chai are joined together....?

    An infection will continue to pass from person to person
  • It is considered the first link of the chain. This harmful germ can be a bacteria, virus, fungus, or a parasite
    Infectious Agent or The Bug
  • Is considered the home of germs. It is the place where microorganisms stay and multiply until they pass on to the next susceptible host
    Reservoirs or Hiding places
  • It is when a person shows signs of sickness. They belong to the group of?
  • It is when a person doesn't show any signs of sickness, they are called?
    Not infected
  • They are people who carry the germs but they don't show any signs of sickness. They are called?
  • It is the way where germs escape from the reservoir and move to another host
    Portal of exit or way out
  • Mode of transmission: Contact
    Direct or Indirect
  • Mode of transmission: Droplets
    Large particles
  • Mode of transmission: Fleas, ticks etc.

  • Mode of transmission: Blood, water, food etc.

  • It is when harmful germs travel or get around from place to place, many harmful germs travel in any way...
    Mode of transmission or getting around
  • It is the number one way a harmful germ travels from place to place?
  • The same way routes as the microorganisms exit?
    Portal of entry or way in
  • A _____ is a person whose body for some reason cannot fight off an infection.
    Susceptible Host or next sick person
  • State reasons why a person cannot fight off an infection.?
    Age, stress, fatigue poor nutrition, chronic illnesses and not having any proper vaccinations and breakdown of the skin.
  • It is the interval between the entrance of the pathogen into the body and the appearance of the first symptoms
    Incubation Period
  • It is the interval from the onset of nonspecific signs and symptoms to more specific symptoms
    Prodromal stage
  • It is the interval when the patient manifests signs and symptoms specific to type of infection
    Illness Stage
  • Interval in which acute symptoms of infection disappear
    Recovery period
  • What are the major sites for Health- Associated Infections?
    -Surgical or traumatic wounds, urinary, respiratory tracts, and the bloodstream
  • It is a result from delivery of health services in a healthcare setting where clients are at increased risk
    Nosocomial Infection or Hospital Acquired Infection
  • What patients are still considered “nosocomial infection”?
    -48 to 72 hours after admission or 10 days after discharged from the hospital
  • This is a factor where throughout a person‘s life susceptibility to infection changes
  • This factor is when a person’s nutrition intake directly influences susceptibility to infection
  • This is where the body responds to emotional or physical stress by the general adaptation syndrome 

  • This is a factor where patients with diseases of the immune systems are at particular risk for infection
  • This is one of the sources of HAI’s. This refers to hands, instruments, catheters, respiratory instruments, IV system, linen, and air
  • This is sources of agents in HCAI’s. Oropharynx, respiratory, gastrointestinal and skin

  • Contaminated surface increase ____________?
    Cross contamination
  • -It is the normal flora of the skin is difficult to remove with a single handwashing
    -Rarely cause infections, infection only arises when there is a break in the skin
    -Normal flora on the skin
    Resident flora
    • Skin contaminants
    • They colonize the superficial layers of the skin and mostly associated with hospital- acquired infections
    • Acquired through objects and the environment and is easily removed through hand washing
    Transient Flora
    • This is considered the practice to kill some microorganism to revert them from spreading
    • This is considered the absence of pathogenic or producing microorganisms
    Medical Asepsis
  • What are the two types of Aseptic technique?
    Medical and surgical asepsis
  • Why should we not allow to store wet equipment clean and dry all equipment after use?
    Because this encourages growth of microorganisms if it is not dried first
  • Why should cleaning solutions be prepared fresh?
    If its not fresh, it might affect the potency or the effectiveness of the solution