Week 1

Cards (21)

  • What would a shunting post light look like if it were showing a stop aspect?
    Yellow & White Light
    Two Yellow Lights
  • What would a position light signal look like if it were showing a stop aspect?
    Two red lights


    One white One red
  • How can a position light signal show a proceed aspect?
    Two diagonal white lights
  • What does a flashing yellow aspect mean?
    Means facing points at a junction ahead are set for a diverging route with a lower speed than that for a straight route
  • What is the purpose of a junction indicator?
    Junction indicators are provided to show that a train is being signalled to route to the left or right of the straight route
  • In four aspect signalling, what does a double yellow aspect mean to a driver?
    Premlinary caution - proceed be prepared to find the next signal at a single yellow aspect.
  • What does a single yellow aspect mean to a driver?
    Caution - proceed be prepared to stop at the next signal
  • What is the normal sequence of four aspect signalling?
    Double Yellow
  • What is the normal sequence of three aspect signalling?
  • What must you make sure of before you operate a signal control to allow a signal to show a process aspect?
    T The route is set or is free to be set by the interlocking
    I If necessary, you have been given a release by another signaller
    N No other movement that may conflict is to be made first
  • What is the principle of track circuit block?
    The track circuit block system allows a signal to show a proceed aspect when:
    All track circuits, up to the and including the overlap of the next stop signal are clear
    All necessary points within the route are detected in the correct position for a train to pass safely.
  • What does TCB stand for?
  • What is the definition of a signal section?
    The line between two stop signals, whether or not these are within control of the same signal box.
  • What is an overlap?
    The distance beyond a stop signal up to which the line must be clear before the previous signal can show a proceed aspect. 
  • What does NCR mean on a individual point switch (IPS)?
  • What does PLS stand for?
  • What is a TCOD?
    Track Circuit Operation Device
  • What is a TCOC?
    Track Circuit Operating Clip
  • What does TIN stand for?
    The route is set is or free to be set by the interlocking
    If necessary, you have been given a release by another signaller
    No other movement that may conflict is to me made first
  • Why would you set a reminder appliance - FIST?
    A signal protecting any faulty signalling equipment
    A signal protecting a route after the driver has been told by the signaller to proceed at caution due to an incident
    A signal protecting a route over which the normal passage of trains is stopped
    A signal protecting a train or vehicles left on a running line where track circuits are not provided
  • What is a UWC?
    User Worked Crossing