Social Welfare Lecture 1

Cards (14)

  • Canada Helath Act
    primary goal to protect, promote, and restore physical and mental well-being
  • Health and Social Transfers
    two per-capita transfers. Help finance social programs
  • Territorial Formula Financing
    provides federal funding to fund activities
  • Provincial Equalization Payments
    unconditional per-capita grants to the province. Aid in providing services
  • Targeted programs
    Provided on a means test
  • Universal Programs
    available to everyone regardless of financial situation
  • Welfare Pluralism
    market based solutions to public social problems
  • Private Welfare
    non-profil organizations
  • Public welfare
    benefits and services provided directly from government. Income secuirty
  • Social Investment Approach

    Goal is inclusion, equity, and social justice. Focuses on all aspects of well being
  • Institutional Approach
    publically funded programs and institutions.
  • Residual Approach
    Temporary, only when all else fails, low level of benefit, targeted to only those in most need
  • Social Investment Model
    aims to integrate the economic and social objectives underlying social welfare
  • Canadian Index of Well-Being
    Assessment of how Canadians are really doing in most valued areas of life. 8 dimensions