Chapter 1

Cards (31)

  • This is the globalized state of the world, signifies a social condition characterized by existence of global economic, political, cultural, and environmental interconnections?
  • Who termed globalizations and credited for using it to refer to the spread of corporations in the contemporary world?
    Theodore Levitt
  • What refers to the multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply, stretch, intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges while fostering in people a growing awareness of deepening connection between local and distant?
  • What refers to the expansions and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world time and world space?
  • What refers to the set of relationships among the world states structured according to certain rules and patterns of interaction (Goldstein and Peevehouse)?
    International System
  • What refers to the arena where state and nonstate actors relate to each other (Almond & Powell, 1988)?
    International System
  • What refers to the community of persons, permanently occupying territory… enjoying freedom from external control?
  • What are the two theories on states that shows the elements of one country to become a state?
    Declarative Theory and Constitutive Theory.
    • Declarative Theory - Montevideo Convention of 1933, a state has the following elements:
    • People
    • Territory
    • Government
    • Sovereignty
  • Constitutive Theory - school of thought added these two above mentioned elements:
    • Recognition form other states
    • Degree of civilizations.
  • In International Relations (IR),
    • States - considered principal actors
    • Nonstate actors - global actors, based on influences and roles in the international system. Also referred as transnational actors which include:
    • IGOs - international governments
    • NGOs - individuals and groups
    • MNCs - companies beyond borders.
  • What refers to the set of institutions and agencies concerned with formulating and implementing collective goals of society or organs within it? It exists in both domestic and international environments.
    Political System
  • This receives inputs and demands and support from the environments to shape into outputs?
    Political System
  • What are the functions of the political System accoridng to Almond and Powell?
    1. System function
    2. Process function
    3. Output function
  • Broad functions by Almond and Powell’s model of PS
    1. System function - determines inputs through socialization, recruitment, and communication.
    2. Process function - collective decisions are made and implemented through interest articulation, interest aggregation, policy making, and policy implementation, and adjudication. 
    3. Output function - treats output through processes of extraction, regulation and distribution.
    4. Feedback Mechanism - provides additional inputs to PS.
    1. Political socialization - Attitudes to the political system must be formed and sustained.
    2. Political recruitment - People must be recruited to fill out political roles from voters to government leaders.
    3. Political communication - Politically relevant information must be transmitted.
    4. Interest articulation - Demands for particular policies must be expressed.
  • 5. Interest aggregation - Demands must be selected and combined into a manageable number of major alternatives.
    6. Policy making - Demands must be converted into authoritative decisions and policies.
    7. Policy implementation - These decisions must be put into effect.
  • Globalization - intensification of cross-border interactions and interdependence between states.
  • Realist perspective - the international system operates in the state of anarchy.
  • What is the problem of shared interests versus conflicting interests among members of a group and how to provide something that benefits all members regardless of contribution?
    The Collective Goods Problem
  • Core Principles/Ways to Solve the Problem
    • Dominance Principle establishing power hierarchy
    • Reciprocity Principle - Rewarding behavior and punishing self-interest at the expense of another. 
    • Identity Principle - highlight the identities who care about the interests of others.
  • Who is the personification of global governance?
    United Nations (UN)
  • This embodiment of the international community of states, focus of international expectations, locus of collective action as symbol of an imagined and constructed community of strangers?
    United Nations (UN)
  • When is the founding charter of the UN?
    June 26, 1946
  • Globalization encompasses many trends, including expanded international trade, monetary coordination...?
    Goldstein (2009)
  • The inexorable integration of markets, nation-states and technologies to a degree never witness before ina way that is enabling individuals, corporations... reach the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before...?

    Friedman (1990)
  • Globalization is defined as the unprecedented new world state, a special phase of the world history...?

    Kiss, Endre (2013)
  • Globalization is the emergence of complex web of interconnectedness that merans that our lives are increaisngly shaped by events that occur.... Distinction are commonly drawn between economic globalization, culutral globalization, and political globalization...?

    Heywood (2014)
  • Globalization is a transplanetary process or set of processes involving increasing liquidity and growing? Ritzer and Dean (2015)
  • What are the six principal organs of the United nations?
    The General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, Secratariat
    • Consists of all members of the UN
    • Main deliberative, policy-making, representative organ of UN
    • Venue on where decisions on important questions matters take place.
    • Requires two-thirds vote, some require majority vote
    • All 193 member states have equal representation in the Assembly, all are obligated to comply with the UN Security Council
    The General Assembly