case studies

Cards (4)

  • (1) Down's syndrome: 47, +21 (Trisomy 21)
    • extra chromosome 21
    • shortened life expectancy, slow cognition,, webbed neck, upward slanting eyes, flattened nose and face
  • (2) Turner's syndrome: 45, X (Monosomy)
    • affects females only, one X chromosome only in each cell
    • affects growth and sexual development
    • females affected -> shorter than normal, fail to start puberty when they should (ovaries fail to develop properly)
  • (3) Klinefelter syndrome: 47, XXY (Trisomy)
    • affects males only, one extra chromosome
    • at puberty, more breast tissue development than normal, less muscular body, little facial or body hair
    • sterile, cannot produce sperm
    • learning disabilties
  • (4) Patau syndrome: 47, +13 (Trisomy 13)
    • affects infants, one extra chromosome 13
    • not mentally alert, thought to be deaf, have harelip and cleft palate, most organs malfunction
    • average survival of infants affected: 3 months