Cards (17)

  • Disaster. a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society
  • Emergency. Any situation in which life or well being of a community will be threatened unless immediate and appropriate action is taken
  • Hazard. Any phenomenon that has a potential to cause disruption or damage to humans and their environment.
  • Exposure. People or properties which are directly affected by natural disasters
  • Vulnerability. Factors in the community that allow a hazard to cause a disaster.
    Social/ Organizational
  • Disaster Reduction. is a systematic approach to identify, assess and reduce the risk of disaster
  • Capacities. Positive resources and abilities which are helpful to individuals, families and community
    Natural Disaster. Natural processes that occur on Earth with or without warning
    Human-Made Disaster. Usually has a precursor but sometimes occur without any warning
  • Classification of Disaster
    Geologic (Land)
    Hydrometeorological (Water)
    Anthropogenic (Hazardous, Global Warming)
    Biologic (Viruses)
  • Levels of Responses
    Family and Neighbors
    Civil Defense Area
    Local Emergency operational center
    national and international support
  • Effects of Disaster
    Primary (Coming directly from the incident itself)
    Secondary (Stems from the Primary)
    Tertiary (Long Term effect)
  • Disaster Rehabilitation. A response strategy for creation of sustainable livelihoods
  • Types of Hazard
    Natural Hazard (beyond human control)
    Induced by humans (may be due to accidents, carelessness)
    Planned Hazards (because of personal or political interests, resulting
    in massive loss of lives and properties)
  • Various impacts of Hazards
    Physical (include exposure to slips, trips, falls)
    Psychological (environment of work, mental disorders)
    socio-cultural impact (consumers' lifestyles, buying habits, religion)
    economic (economy)
    environmental (changes in the natural or built environment)
    biological (health hazards include bacteria, viruses, parasites)
  • Hazard Identification. the process of determining all physical and nonphysical agents in the workplace or specific environment
  • Risk Assesstment. is a way to determine which hazards and risks should prioritized by taking into consideration the probability and severity of impact.
  • Risk Assessment
    Identify the Hazards (Observation)
    assess the risk (determining how best to minimize the risk.)
    make changes (make decision for some necessary changes.)
    checking the changes made (To make sure risk has been minimized)