Cards (19)

  • Infantile is birth to 4-5.
  • Infantile: Oral phase - Infants obtain life-sustaining nourishment through the oral cavity, but beyond that, they also gain pleasure through the act of sucking.
  • Infantile: During the early anal period, children receive satisfaction by
    destroying or losing objects. At this time, the destructive nature of the
    sadistic drive is stronger than the erotic one, and children often
    behave aggressively toward their parents for frustrating them with
    toilet training
  • Infantile: Then, when children enter the late anal period, they sometimes take a friendly interest toward their feces, an interest that stems from the erotic pleasure of defecating. Frequently, children will present their feces to the parents as a valued prize/withholding feces.
  • Infantile: Phallic - Masturbation, which originated during the oral stage, now enters a second, more crucial phase. During the phallic stage, masturbation is nearly universal, but because parents generally suppress these activities, children usually repress their conscious desire to masturbate by the time their phallic period comes to an end.
  • Oral-receptive - the nipple
  • Oral-sadistic - biting, cooing, closing mouth, thumb-sucking
  • If oral needs are satisfied - oral-receptive personality. friendliness, optimistic, generosity, DEPENDENCY
  • Oral-aggressive - insufficient, hostile, critical, envious, exploitative.
  • Anal-expulsive - lenient parents, poo anywhere.
  • Anal-retentive - frugality, orderliness
  • (Phallic) Oedipus complex - attraction towards mother and hostility towards father.
  • (Phallic) Electra complex - attraction towards father.
  • Castration complex - in the form of anxiety which is a result of the fear of castration
  • Castration complex on female - the female is unable to have sex and is unable to have children/penis envy.
  • To solve: internalize attributes of father to have a masculine identity. Once resolves, SUPER EGO matures.
  • To solve: identify attributes of mother. Weak superego replaces the partially dissolved oedipus complex.
  • Latency - dormant
  • Genital stage - reawakening of sexual aim. Directing libido on another person: elevated status (pregnancy), secondary position of mouth, anus