3.3.1 Introduction to organic chemistr

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  • Hydrocarbons contain only hydrogen and carbon atoms
  • Homologous series is a family of molecules which have the same general formula, similar chemical properties but gradual change in physical properties.
  • saturated is a molecule that only contains single bonds
  • Structural isomers are compound with the same molecular formula but different structures
  • Chain isomerism occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula but the carbon atoms are joined differently
  • Positional isomers have the same carbon skeleton but the functional group can be joined at different points on the skeleton.
  • Functional group isomers contain different functional groups but have the same molecular formula.
  • Stereoisomers are compounds which have the same molecular and structural formulae but, their atoms are arranged differently in space.
  • CIP Rules
    An ethyl substituent takes priority over a methyl substituent. At the connectivity of the stereocenter, both have a carbon atom, which are equal in rank. Going down the chains, a methyl has only has hydrogen atoms attached to it, whereas the ethyl has another carbon atom. The carbon atom on the ethyl is the first point of difference and has a higher atomic number than hydrogen; therefore the ethyl takes priority over the methyl.