Ozone is formed in the atmosphere by free radical reactions in the presence of UV light
O3 ->O2 + *O*
The rate of ozone production= rate if ozone depletion therefore the atmosphere stays constant
Ozone depletion:
CFCs can get into the atmosphere as they are so unreactive. There the UV light causes the C-Cl bond in CFCs to break causing chlorine free radicals
CF2CL2 -> Cl* + *CF2Cl
The chlorine radical reacts with the ozone
*Cl + O3 -> ClO* + O2
ClO* + O3 -> 2O2 + Cl*
Chlorine free radical is not used up and it acts as an catalyst.
As a result small amounts of chlorine radicals can decompose large amounts of ozone causing a hole
Ozone depletion:
Ozone is beneficial as it absorbs UV radiation
Ozone depletion:
After the Montreal Protocol, Chemists found an alternative to CFCs which was HFC which chlorine free. HFCs are less likely to form free radicals under UV light due to the C-F bond being stronger than C-Cl bond so it is less likely to be broken up by UV light