Entities are required to submit the Statement of Profit or Loss, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash Flows, and the Trial Balance attached to their income tax return.
The Matching principle dictates that expenses incurred to generate revenue must be recorded during the period when the corresponding revenue is generated.
The financial statements are prepared in this order: Statement of Profit or Loss, Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity, Statement of Financial Position, Worksheet, and Statement of Cash Flows.
When a purchaser of merchandise is allowed by the seller a reduction of the original price for defective goods, the purchaser will be issued a credit memorandum.
When the company uses the periodic inventory method of accounting for inventories, the Merchandise inventory account does not change until before the adjusting entry is prepared at the end of the year.
The full disclosure principle requires important facts that would have an effect on an investor’s decisions to be included in the financial statements.