Vocabulary Addiction & Rehabillitation

Cards (15)

  • wreckage - Trümmer
  • to accrue - ansammeln
  • major crime = Straftat - felory charges
  • steal something that isn't that important (gum) - petite larceny
  • einen Flüchtigen beherbergen - to harbor a fugitive
  • Zerstörung - destruction
  • Rettung, Gnade, "Schutzengel" - saving grace
  • Abgrenzung von Problemen - compartmentalize
  • Nüchternheit - sobriety
  • Lücke - lapse
  • Rückfall - relapse
  • anstreben, Ziele - aspiration
  • sturzbesoffen - to be wasted
  • Entgiftung, Entzug - detox
  • someone who used to be an addict and now helps others - sponsor