Front Page

Cards (21)

  • 1. Local news - news that takes place within the country
  • 2. Foreign news - news that takes place outside the country
  • 3. Dateline news - an out-of-town news story. It is introduced by a date line which states the place from which was reported, the date, and the source of material if not written by the local staff, as Tokyo Japan, Jan.25 (AP)
  • 4. Weather news - a boxed forecast of the area, sometimes the temperature, wind directions, and velocities. Extremes on weather are reported as more detailed news stories. 
  • 5. Index - a slug line indicating an important inside page story and the page where it is found
  • Nameplate - the engraved or printed name of the newspaper, as the Manila Times or PNC Torch
  • Ears - little boxes on either side of the nameplate
  • Banner - the principal headline bearing the boldest and biggest type. It is the title of the most important news of the day which is called banner news. It may or may not run across the page. If it does, it may also be called a streamer.
  • Running head - a head made up of two or more lines.
  • Headline the title of any news story. The word headliner is used only for titles of news stories.
  • Deck - a subordinate headline placed immediately below its mother headline, also known as bank or readout. 
  • Lead - beginning of a news story. It may be a word, a group of words, a sentence, or a paragraph
  • News story - the whole story of an event composed of the lead and the text which is the elaboration of the lead
  • Columns - horizontal division into parts of  a newspaper. Many national papers are divided into eight columns while a typical school paper is divided into five columns of 12 ems each.
  • Column rule - vertical line that divides the page into columns. Most pages of a newspaper are divided into columns by a space usually  one em wide. This space is called the sunken rule. 
  • Fold The imaginary horizontal line that divides the newspaper equally into two parts.
  • Byline The signature of a reporter preceding a news-feature, as By Warren Cruz.
  • Box news materials enclosed by line rules.
    • Cutline The text accompanying photos and other art work, better known as a caption. If written above the photo just like the slugline, it is called an overline.
    • Kicker a tagline placed above but smaller than a headline , also known as teaser. If it is bigger than the headline, it is called a hammer
    • Credit line a line giving the source of the story or illustration, as Reprinted from the “Manila Times” or Photo  by MPI.