In 1943 a group of German women protested in Rosenstrasse to get the Gestapo to release 2000 male Jews who were in mixed marriages (married to non Jews or who were male sons of mixed marriages). The Gestapo threatened to kill them all… but the women stood firm and refused to move. Eventually the Gestapo let the men go. This shows the power of social support in real life. They were confident safety in numbers
Research also supports that individuals with a high internal locus of control are less likely to conform.
Spector (1983) used locus of control scale to determine whether LOC is associated with conformity. From 157 students, Spector found that individuals with a high internal locus of control were less likely to conform than those with a high external locus of control, but only in situations of normative social influence
There was no difference between the two groups for informational social influence. This suggests that NSI is more powerful than ISI when considering locus of control.