Cards (5)

  • minority influence
    • consistency
    • commitment
    • felxiblity
    • Minority influence requires individuals to reject majority behaviours/beliefs, and be converted to the views of the minority. The minority attempts to change views through informational social influence (using reasoned arguments to convince members of the majority to change sides), so this is likely as a result of internalisation.
  •  Consistency- The minority needs to demonstrate that it is confident in its view. If they repeat the same message over time (diachronic consistency) then the argument seems more powerful.
  • Commitment - If the minority are willing to suffer for their views and still hold them, then this is likely to cause members of the majority to take them seriously. This (suffering for your views) is known as the augmentation principle
  • Flexibility- If a minority is seen as totally inflexible in their view (dogmatic) then minorities will not be persuasive. They need the ability to consider valid counter arguments and slightly compromise.