Cards (9)

  • Chomsky
    • Language has syntax
    • language has rich internal syntactic structure which is rapidly acquired by children
  • How can we study the brain/ mind?
    experimental studies, neuroimaging, acquired brain damage
  • What is mental chronometry?

    measuring the time that a mental process takes to be carried out
  • How do fMRI and PET scans work?
    Measure brain activity by detecting increases in cerebral blood flow in response to a particular mental activity. They are good for localising particular mental activities.
  • What is agnosia?
    loss of ability to recognise objects
  • What is prosopagnosia?
    Inability to recognise faces
  • What is aphasia?
    A specific language impairment
  • What is amusia?
    A deficit in musical pitch processing, music memory and recognition
  • What is double dissociation?
    Finding two patients who have complementary impairments.