Anatomy ch 4

Cards (12)

  • Enzymes do the following:
    Increase rate of reaction
    Not changed by reactions
    Lower activation energy required
  • Enzymes are located:
    Within cells (DNA polymerase)
    In plasma membrane (lactose)
    Secreted from cells (starch)
  • The function of enzyme depends on its shape
  • Each enzyme has a 3d shaoe with pockets for enzyme activity sites
  • Reactants called substrate fit into activation sites on the enzyme
  • Induced fit model is when an enzyme binds to activation site and substrate conforms to it
  • In the case of lactose:
    Enzyme lactase holds glucose and galactose and snaps the bond
  • Enzyme activity is influenced by:
    Concentration of cofactor and coenzyme
    Concentration of substrate (adding more will not speed up the process)
  • Inhibitors bind to enzymes and prevent enzymatic catalysis
  • Competitive inhibitor resembles substrate and binds to activation site which will change shape of enzyme
  • Noncompetitove inhibitor will bind to enzyme and change its shape
  • Metabolic pathway series if enzyme reactions, not all reactions are linear