David and his sons would enjoy the status of sons of God.
God would watch over David and his heirs, expanding their kingdom till it covered the whole earth. In this way, God’s blessings would flow from the king first to Israel and then to all the earth.
Infancy Narratives = stories about the birth of Jesus and his early life
Both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke begin with the Infancy Narratives. The Gospel of John and the Gospel of Mark do not describe the birth or childhood of Jesus.
However, the Gospel of John begins with a beautifully poetic and theological statement of the “Word of God” becoming human in the person of Jesus.
The Incarnation
The union of the divine nature of
the Son of God with human
nature in the person of Jesus
Christ. The Son of God assumed
our flesh, body, and soul, and
dwelled among us like one of us
in order to redeem us. His divine
nature was substantially united
to our human nature.
The Holy Family consists
of the Child Jesus, the
Virgin Mary, and Saint
Infancy Narrative in the Gospel of Matthew?
Begins with the genealogy of Jesus, starting from Abraham.
Story of Mary and John, and the child that Mary carries is “from the Holy Spirit”
The Magi (Wise Men follow a star to the place of Jesus’ birth) and present Jesus and his family with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh
Joseph, Mary and Jesus are forced to flee to Egypt as Herod begins to slaughter innocent children eliminating a possible rival who may take away his throne.
Jesus and his parents return to Palestine (Israel) and to the town of Nazareth where Jesus is to be raised.
matth. Theme # 1: Jesus is the Messiah.
Genealogy – refers to Jesus as “the son of David, the son of Abraham.”
Joseph was born in Bethlehem from the line of David. Throughout Jewish history, the Jewish people expected the Messiah to descend from David, and David’s hometown was Bethlehem.
matth - Theme # 2: Jesus was accepted by
Gentiles, rejected by Jews.
The story of the Magi are included, who were non- Jews – persian astrologers
Shows Jewish readers that Gentiles often accepted Jesus as Messiah even thoughthe Jews rejected him.
matth -Theme # 3: Jesus is “the new Moses”
The Holy Family flees to Egypt (to escape King Herod), and then is called out of Egypt by God back to Israel after the death of Herod to freedom.
The Israelites and Moses were called out of Egypt by God to flee slavery – to freedom.
Infancy Narrative Gospel of Luke
John the Baptist came to be born to an elderly couple - a priest named Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth.
Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she will bear a son named Jesus; “Son of the Most High”. the Annunciation.
Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. Elizabeth discovers Mary is pregnant and her exclamation (“Blessed is the fruit of your womb”). the Visitation.
Mary responds with a beautiful response called the Magnificat.
John the Baptist: his birth, his circumcision and naming, and a prophetic prayer by his father, Zechariah (the Benedictus)
Infancy Narrative Gospel of Luke
•Luke describes Jesus’ birth, including Mary wrapping him in “bands of cloth” and “laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”
Poor shepherds hear about Jesus’ birth from an angel, and come to visit Jesus. (no Magi ).
Jesus’ presentation in the Temple as part of Jewish Law, and prophecies about Jesus by Simeon and by Anna
The story of Jesus being lost during a trip to Jerusalem when he is 12 years old. They eventually find him in the Temple sitting among the teachers
luke - Theme: The Good News is for everyone.
Luke’s audience were Gentiles, so he did not use many Old Testament quotes.
Emphasized the Good News is for everyone especially those who are poor and downtrodden.
Jesus likely spoke Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic (the common language of Palestine).