Chapter 12: Benign Disease of the Female Pelvis

Cards (89)

  • Surgical removal of adhesions (scar tissue) is called what ?
  • Failure to ovulate is called what ?
  • Inflammation of the bowel is called what ?
    Crohn disease
  • Surgery performed with an electrical device such as electrocautery is called what ?
  • Blood-filled ovarian cysts resultant from endometriosis implants is called what ?
  • The hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland which stimulates growth of the Graafian follicle is what ?
    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
  • A form of carcinoma that grows into the uterine musculature is called what ?
    chorioadenoma destruens
  • A genetically abnormal pregnancy that develops into a grape-like mass within the uterus is called what ?
    hydatidiform mole
  • Increased testosterone levels associated with PCOS is called what ?
  • What is excessive production/secretion of androgens called ?
  • What is reconstructive surgery of the uterus called ?
  • An instrument allowing visualization of the uterus is called what ?
  • What is the term for collapsing and rolling inward ?
  • The hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland which stimulates ovulation is called ?
    Luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • What is the term for breaking up of tissue ?
  • An abnormally heavy or prolonged menses is called ?
  • What is infrequent menses called ?
  • What is infrequent ovulation called ?
  • What is the peritoneal fold supporting the abdominal viscera ?
  • What is the growth of the placenta into the myometrium called ?
    Placenta accreta
  • Implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment or on the cervix is called what ?
    Placenta previa
  • Whatare microscopic collection of calcium associated with specific tumour types called ?
    psommoma bodies
  • Tissue that absorbs x-rays appearing white on the resulting radiograph is called what ?
    Radiodense (radiopaque)
  • Hemorrhage into a leiomyoma that has outgrown its blood supply is called what ?
    Red degeneration
  • Antiestrogenic drug used to decrease the occurrence of certain estrogen-sensitive breast cancers is called what ?
  • Partial septation of the myometrium at the location of uterine scar is called what ?
    Uterine dehiscence
  • Excessive hair on a woman is called what ?
  • What cervical anomaly does not cause bleeding ?
    Nabothian cyst
  • What does HSG stand for ?
    HSG stands for Hysterosalpingography.
  • Uterine dehiscence is caused by what ?
    uterine surgeries such as cesarean section
  • Leiomyomas are the most ___ tumour of the female pelvis.
  • Degenerative changes occur when myomas:
    outgrow their blood supply
  • Sonohysterography (SHSG) demonstrates ____ extension on to the ____ through visualizing filling defects.
    Myomatous, endometrium
  • Imaging identification of a previous cesarean section scar can be performed most effectively by what kind of ultrasound ?
  • How do you differentiate a pelvic mass from bowel ?
    Monitoring the suspect area for peristalsis
  • A fibromyoma located within the myometrium is labeled as:
  • Anechoic or complex lesions of the superior anterolateral vagina wall (adjacent to the cervix) are:
    Gartner duct cyst
  • The "ring of fire" demonstrated peripherally when imaging a cyst with colour or power doppler is related to:
    Corpus luteum cysts
  • Sonographic findings in a serous cystadenoma compared to mucinous cystadenoma are generally ___ therefore, are more ____ to diagnose from imaging.
    similar , difficult
  • Gonadoblastoma may cause:
    primary amenorrhea, abnormal genitalia, and virilization