Lab quiz #1

Cards (71)

  • Goals of IV therapy include:
    1. Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
    2. administer medication
    3. replace fluid and blood losses
    4. pain management
    5. parenteral nutrition
    6. hemodynamic monitoring
  • Peripheral IV: goes to peripheral(arms, legs)
  • Scalp in neonates: best place as veins are biggest(can be traumatic for parents so warn them)
  • PICC Line: long term, but can’t stay in forever
  • Implanted infusion port: indefinitely
  • Central venous catheter: ICU, cancer patients
  • Running blood cells: 20 gage or bigger, running it fast can cause damage to the cells
  • Peripheral IV sites: usually at least every hour monitor
    1. phlebitis
    2. inflateation
    3. discharge
    4. moisture
  • Ensure patent by completing IV site flush prior to each use or at least once a shift
  • Pull back on flush to check for blood return: if no blood return put a little more in and assess for infaltration
  • Lock saline lock while moving fluid(last 0.5mL)
  • watch for signs of complications- swelling, pain, redness, warmth/cold
  • Hypotonic: A solution with a lower solute concentration than the cell. fluid shifts from bloodstream into surrounding tissue
  • Isotonic: fluid should not shift. Equivalent osmolarity to blood
  • Hypertonic: higher osmolarity than blood. Fluid shifts from surrounding tissue into bloodstream
  • fluid overload: edema
    • usually on feet
    • always check bilaterally
    wet/crackle lungs
    increases ruin output
  • Bolus: large volume, short amount of time
  • Continuous: small volume, long amount of time, mL/hr
  • IV label closets to patient
  • Change I’ve bag after 24 hours even if you don’t go through a whole bag
  • Change lines ever 72 hours
  • Change IV after 3 days
  • syringe pump- acting as a secondary bag- mix in syringe rather than mini bag
    • connect tubing closest to patient
  • Breast- colour/symmetry, are they intact?, blister, bleeding
  • Nipples should not be inverted
  • Breast should be soft 24-48 hours after birth—> milk hasn’t come in yet
  • Colostrum: Yellowish fluid that is secreted by the mammary glands of the mother
  • Baby’s stomach is very small, does not need much/the colostrum has a lot of nutrients just not the volume
  • colostrum- the orange juice concentrate
    breast milk- the diluent
  • More bottom aveola should be on babies mouth
  • Sucking reflex is on the roof of their mouth at the back
  • 4 A’s of breast feeding
    • audible swallow
    • areolar grasp
    • areolar compression
    • alignmeny
  • Alignment( ears, shoulders, hips in straight line)
  • Cross cradle: what we want to see. hold baby in arm of breast feeding, support behind the head, by ears, used other hand to hold breast up
  • Cradle hold: out in natural environment
    • hold baby in the same arm you are breastfeeding from, moms confidently breastfeeding, no control of baby’s head
  • Milk comes in quicker in vaginal births than c-section
  • If mom has sore:
    lanolin cream—> not to moms with wool allergy
    colostrum onto nippled—> lots of WBC and healing properties
  • Fund us= top of uterus
  • Fund us- should feel firm