Anatomy ch 6

Cards (25)

  • The membrane has receptors and transports hormones and other molecules
  • Passive transport does not require energy and flow is down concentration gradient
  • Active transport requires energy and moves up concentration gradient
  • Simple diffusion does not require transport protein
  • Facilitated diffusion requires assistance via a membrane protein
  • Channel mediated diffusion allows small ions to pass through the membrane via channels which are specific per ion
  • GABA is a receptor chloride channel is a neurotransmitter inhibitor by allowing Cl- ions to go in the cell
  • Carrier mediated transport transfers small polar molecules such as GLUT1 (glucose)
  • The sodium and potassium exchange starts with the sodium binding to the protein, ATP will release energy to ADP which will change the shape of protein and let Sodium out, potassium will bind to the protein and when the protein reverts shape, the potassium will be pushed in
  • Osmosis require no energy and goes from high to low
  • Water molecules pass through the cell slowly via aquaporins
  • In order for a cell to be osmotic, both sides need diffirent concentration and membrane must be impermeable  
  • Isotonic is when water is able to pass in and out
  • Hypotonic is when too much water enters the cell causing it to swell
  • Hypersonic is when too much water leaves the cell casting it to shrivel
  • Primary active transport uses ATP directly
  • Secondary active transport requires energy and goes from low to high gradient
  • sodium coupled glucose transporter or SGLT occurs when sodium binds to glucose and comes into the cell
  • Bulk transport is when large molecules such as proteins, hormones, or neurotransmitters are secreted y exocytosis
  • Phagocytosis is movement of solid material
  • Pinocytosis is movement if fluid
  • Membrane potential is the diffirnce in charges on the cells membrane
  • Resting membrane potential is the potential diffirence in charge on either side of the cells membrane
  • Due to the sodium and potassium pump, the cell itself is negatively charged
  • The resting membrane potential charge is -70mV