Work and employment

Cards (12)

  • The Home Office (2014) found 14% of the British population to be part of an ethnic minority group
  • Black males make up 48% of unemployed males (Home Office 2014)
  • Black females make up 34% of all unemployed females (Home Office 2014)
  • 57% of Pakistani men are in in low skilled jobs (Home Office 2014)
  • 71% of gypsy women are in low skilled jobs (Home Office 2014)
  • 54% of gypsy and 54% of bangladeshi women are in part time employment (Home Office 2014)
  • Wood (2009) found that employers favour those with "white names" over job applicants with names from other backgrounds
  • Heath and Yu (2005) found that first generation Black, Indian, and Pakistani males suffer significant penalties in gaining "professional" jobs
  • The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2007) found that ethnic minorities (especially women) found it more challenging to gain high level positions than their white counterparts
  • Battu and Sloane (2004) found ethnic minorities are more likely to be over educated in their jobs than their white counter parts
  • Davidson's Concrete ceiling (1997) - a form of embedded discrimination that prevents ethnic minority women from receiving higher level positions in society
  • Viktor Dodd (2012) found many muslim women remove their hijabs and make their names sound white British to avoid discrimination in the workplace