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  • Classical conditioning - emphasizes that whatever came before a behavior (antecedent event) influences that behavior (responding behavior).
  • Operant conditioning - stresses that a behavior is influenced by the response that follows.
  • Cognitivism IS also known as cognitive psychology
  • Cognitivism - is the predominant theoretical perspective for studying human learning today.
  • Cognitivism focuses on how people perceive, interpret, remember and in other ways think about environmental events
  • social cognitive view of learning was pioneered by Albert Bandura
  • social cognitive theory - challenges traditional behaviorist theories.
  • Social Cognitive Theory - posits that individuals are active participants in shaping their lives, rejecting the notion of being solely influenced by inner or external forces.
  • Social Cognitive Theory - people are proactive rather than reactive, they have some control over how they live their lives.
  • Cognition - is important in learning such as awareness, attention, expectation, and retention.
  • Social Cognitive Theory - learning through modeling and observing others
  • Social Cognitive Theory - vicarious learning from others' successes and failures, the possibility of learning without observable behavior change,
  • Role modeling is a form of observational learning.