Parable of the great banquet

Cards (6)

    • a master invites guests to come to a great banquet. he sends out his servants to invite guests to the banquet. The invited guests say no to the invitation with their own excuses. The master asked to send invitations to the poor, crippled, lame and blind. they all accept. there are still more rooms so the master requests to find outsiders to fill the banquet.
  • Description of God and His Kingdom
    • The master portrayes God. described as forgiving and wecoming as he welcomes the outcasts and sinners into his home
    • The banquet represents the Kingdom of God. Everyone is welcomed in the Kingdom of God
  • comparision
    • servants - people inviting us into God's Kingdom
    • invited guests - people who rejected God
    • the poor, crippled, lame and blind - people who accepted God
    • Outsiders on the roads and country lanes - people who are not a part of God's community but accepted by God
  • Surprise Twist
    • The poor, crippled, lame, blind and outsiders accepted the invitation of God
  • Elements of Everyday Life
    • When god speaks are we ones who are invited and accept or ones who reject god's invitation because of attachments
  • HOw people should relate to one other
    • Who are the servants inviting us into the Kingdom of God
    • The priests in the church, the helpers in the church, the teachhers at our school.