With aqueous sodium hydroxide: white ppt, soluble in excess - colourless solution
With aqueous ammonia: white ppt, insoluble in excess
Cation: Ammonium
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: ammonia produced on warming
Cation: Calcium
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: white ppt, insoluble in excess
With aqueous ammonia: no ppt or very slight white ppt
Cation: Chromium(III)
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: green ppt, soluble in excess
With aqueous ammonia: green ppt, insoluble in excess
Cation: Copper (II)
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: light blue ppt, insoluble in excess
With aqueous ammonia: light blue ppt, soluble in excess - dark blue solution
Cation: Iron (II)
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: green ppt, insoluble in excess, brown near surface on standing
With aqueous ammonia: green ppt, insoluble in excess, brown near surface on standing
Cation: Iron (III)
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: red-brown ppt, insoluble in excess
With aqueous ammonia: red-brown ppt, insoluble in excess
Cation: Zinc
With aqueous sodium hydroxide: white ppt, soluble in excess - colourless solution
With aqueous ammonia: white ppt, soluble in excess - colourless solutino
Anion: Carbonate
Test: add dilute acid, then test for carbon dioxide gas
Result: effervescence, carbon dioxide produced
Effervescence - bubbles in a liquid
Anion: Chloride
Test: acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate
Result: white ppt
Anion: Bromide
Test: acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate
Result: cream ppt
Anion: Iodide
Test: acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate
Result: yellow ppt
Anion: Nitrate
Test: add aqueous sodium hydroxide, then aluminium, warm carefully
Result: ammonia produced
Anion: Sulfate
Test: acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous barium nitrate
Result: white ppt
Anion: Sulfite
Test: add a small volume of acidified potassium manganate
Result: acidified aqueous potassium manganate changes colour from purple to colourless
Solving cation testing questions:
check for key words involving reagents (chemicals/solutions used to do with the experiment e.g. sodium hydroxide, ammonia) and also highlight defining words e.g. excess, aqueous
Solving anion testing questions:
find reagents relation to the question e.g. barium nitrate, nitric acid
Never use abbreviation, write 'precipitate' in full
Solving observation questions:
write notes on all the observations given - make sure to utilise all the evidence given in the question
answer the question using notes given
"What conclusions can you draw about solid N" - write down everything you know from your observations
When there's no reaction, don't write 'nothing' or 'nothing happened. Write 'no reaction'
Any ionic compound that is coloured is a transition metal except for zinc as it's usually colourless
If it is mentioned that a substance is a solution, say that it's a solution. Don't say liquid!
The appearance of a substance before the test is the same as the appearance after the reaction
'Test the gas' - always write bubbles for an observation involving this statement
In a question asking you to 'test the gas' and 'record observations', include how to do the gas test, the result, and observations
Liquid is a melted solid while solution is a dissolved solid
Silver nitrate tests for halogens aka chlorides, iodides and brromides
You can make an experiment more accurate by repeating it