Biological approach: smoking

Cards (10)

  • Initiation
    Why a person might start smoking
    Genetic predisposition
    Genes may be a risk factor for nicotine addiction
    If this is case, then we may expect to see smoking runs in families
  • What is predisposition?

    Means that a person's inherited genes make them more vulnerable to smoking, however they wont definitely start smoking, can depend on other factors
  • How do we test genetic predisposition in smoking?
    Twin studies: Research has shown that genetic influence contributes about 53% to the risk of taking up smoking
  • Dopamine receptors
    Nicotine addiction involves neurons in area of brain called VTA
    They are receptors on surface which are activated by molecules of neurotransmitter dopamine
    Nicotine chemicals are able to attach to dopamine sites, then triggers release of dopamine
    This feels rewarding for smoker
  • What is dopamine?
    The brains pleasure and reward chemical
  • Smoking: maintenance and relapse (Dopamine)
    Nicotine dependence develops as nicotine molecules continue to attach to receptors in the VTA and dopamine is released in the NA, producing more pleasure and reward. This positive feeling reinforces behaviour and therefore individuals continue to smoke
  • Smoking: maintenance and relapse (Nicotine regulation and withdrawal)

    If smoker stops, then they will experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches. If you smoke regularly, this does not happen. Avoiding side effects of stopping, an individual continues to smoke
  • Smoking: maintenance and relapse (Tolerance)

    Over time, people sensitivity to nicotine/dopamine decreases, and therefore people need to smoke more in order for it to have same effect
  • Evaluating biological approach to smoking: Strengths
    Biological approach focuses on changes in brain neurochemistry. Scientific and objective
    Focuses on genetics, also scientific and objective
    Supporting research
    Practical uses to help people
  • Evaluating biological approach to smoking: Weaknesses
    Biological role doesn't account for behavioural factors and could therefore be seen as reductionist
    Studies have suggested there are often other factors that influence addiction, environmental and social factors
    Some people manage to smoke regularly and not become addicted. They have learned to smoke from watching others, and maintain it because of this but therefore can stop