A direct microscopic examination should be done of all specimens received for culture of fungi.
Wet Preparations are microscopic examinations done before culture.
Tease Mounts are microscopic examinations done from a mold colonyafter culture.
Cellophane Tape Mount is an alternative to Tease Mount.
Growth rate is a factor in the identification of fungi, with rapid growers taking less than 5 days, intermediate growers taking 6 to 10 days, and slow growers taking 11 or more days.
Textures of fungi can be yeastlike, cottony, or granular.
Topographies of fungi can be flat, cerebriform, or folded.
The germ tube test is the most generally accepted and economical method used in the clinical laboratory for the identification of yeasts.
Yeasts recovered from clinical specimens are C. albicans, and the germ-tube test usually provides a sufficient identification of this organism within 3 hours.
Candida dubliniensis is a TRUE GERM TUBE.
Candida tropicalis is a PSEUDO-GERMTUBE.
A 10% to 20% solution of KOH is useful for detecting fungal elements embedded within skin, hair, nails, and tissue.
Hair specimens should be collected using sterile forceps and placed directly into a sterile Petri dish.
Skin specimens should be collected from a dermatophyte "ring" or scaling skin, and the skin must be cleaned with 70% alcohol before collection.
Yeastlike is a bacteria like colonies texture
Cottony a wooly texture
Granular a powdery texture
Flat- most common topography
Cerebriform- colonies look loke a brain
Folded- with random folds rather than grooves
Germ tube has no constriction
Pseudohyphae has constriction
Nail specimens may be submitted as scrapings or or cuttings
Nails are cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol befire the surface is scraped
Deeper scrapings are necessary to prepare a KOH preparation and inoculate media
Sterile scissors are used to cut complete nails into small thin strips, which are used to incoculate media