
Subdecks (5)

Cards (425)

  • types of drought
    • meteorological: degree of dryness compared to what is considered normal precipitation levels for that area, climate and season
    • Agricultural: insufficient water for crops
    • hydrological: DB exp shortfalls eg reduced streamflow or increase in river flow into reservoirs
    • socio-economic(famine): demand for water to be used for social and economic purposes eg crop irrigation
  • Physcial causes of drought(PCOD)
    • ENSO- EL Nino
    1. evert 3-5 years
    2. winds weaken across south pacific ocean and reverse direction
    3. warm water to South American coastline= lower air pressure= large increases in rainfall= risk of flooding
    4. australasia= cooler then normal ocean temp = higher pressure= little rainfall= risk of drought
  • PCOD
    • La Niña
    • lo air pressurge descends on SE Asia and australia= increased rainfall and risk of flooding
    • South America= high air pressure= reduced rainfall= likelihood of drought
  • PCOD
    short term precipitaion deficit
    • when cycle creates clouds= interrupted
    • may be exp in areas that are used to low air pressure systems and have a change of weather front to exp high pressure air system
    • cool sinking air in high pressure systems doesnt have ability to form clouds= no precipitation
  • Human causes of drought(HCOD)
    • 2014-15 industries farmers and domestic users used groundwater until rivers ran low
    • poor/rural suffered bc only had access to groundwater
  • Causes of over abstraction HCOD
    • gov introduced charge for drilling wells US$35000-100000
    • started drilling illegally bc couldn’t affect the charge= water abstracted was no monitored
    • offiicial records of wells only present 1/3 of total as 70% were illegally drilled
  • Problems with over abstraction
    • illegal wells=shallower=not percolated deep into bedrock= less filtered= may contain industrial and agricultural pollutants w/ higher levels of bacteria
    • increase in poor sanitation and water bourne disease