an improvement in all spheres of an individual's life
grooms an individual and helps him make a mark of his/her own
Personality Development
goes a long way in reducing stress and conflicts.
Personality Development
helps you develop a positive attitude in life.
Personality Development
refers to an occupation that requires specialized education, knowledge, training and ethics.
The word Ethics is derived from Latin word
The word Ethics is derived from Greek word
are an arrangement of decent principles and a branch of attitude which defines what is good for individuals and society
refers to the evaluation of moral values, principles and standards of human conduct and its application in daily life to determine acceptable human behavior. What is good and bad
branch of philosophy or attitude dealing with values relating to human conduct.
reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad in terms of human behavior.
Who influences ethics in our lives?
F- amily
F- riends
C- ommunity
E- ducation
R- eligion
Ethical Action
H- onesty
I- ntegrity
D- iligence
O- bjectivity
C- ompetence
is the cornerstone of any profession.
It is a set of moral and ethical principles that guide professionals in their conduct and decision-making processes.
is to ensure that professionals adhere to certain standards of behavior
The essence of professional ethics
to be a professional you are bound to abide be these guidelines
Professional codes of practice
10 Characteristics of True Professionals Possess in the Workplace
N- eat Appearance
P- roper Demeanor
R- eliable
C- ompetent
C- ommunicator
Look sharp and organized, iron your clothes, polish your shoes, and practice good hygiene.
Neat Appearance
Be polite and well spoken. Good Manner
Get your work done on time
Respond to request promptly and follow- through with promises in timely fashion
Express confidence, but not attitude
Become an expert in your field
Continue your education, attend seminars, and attain relevant professional designations.
Remain teachable.
Composed your letters and emails to be brief and to the point. Make sure you have professional signature and email address.
Keep your tone polite and formal
Identify yourself with your full name, company, and title when placing and/ or answering a call.
Do not dominate the conversation, listen intently and process what the other person is saying
Do not slang terms and mined your tone voice.
Smile while your talk. The caller may not see you but they can hear it in your voice.
Good Phone Etiquette
Maintain your composure, even when facing a difficult situation. If a customer or superior is being belligerent (aggressive, threatening) do not mirror that behavior.
Diffuse the situation with your professional demeanor (good manner).
It is imperative to display ethical behavior at all times, on or off the clock.
Keep your area keep and organized for your easy execution of task.
Keep an updated appointment book so you don’t forget meetings.
Carry only the necessary contents for the day in your briefcase.
Take your responsibility for your actions, own mistake, work to resolve it, and fix as soon as possible even better. Learn from your mistake lead by this example to create task “ Be all that you can be”
Types of Professional Ethics
M- eta Ethics
D- escriptive Ethics
N- ormative (Prescriptive) Ethics
Seeking to understand the assumptions underlying normative theories.
It is the study of what ethical terms and theories actually refer to. And should address the questions “What does "right" mean?” or “ How can we tell what is good from what is bad?”
also known as comparative ethics, it is the study of people's beliefs
about morality. Should adhere the question “ What do people think is right?”
Descriptive Ethics
evaluating specific practices and principles of action, it is the study of ethical theories that prescribe how people ought to act, and can answer questions “ How should people act?” or “What should I do?”
Normative (Prescriptive) Ethics
refers to the practical application of moral considerations and may
simply answer the question “ How do we take moral knowledge and put it into practice?”
Applied Ethics
who we are
determine how we act and react with and respond to the world
personality comes from the Latin word
a persona was a mask worn by an actor. While we tend to think of a mask as being worn to conceal one’s identity, the theatrical mask was originally used to either represent or project a specific personality trait of a character.
Refers to the long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways. Each person has an idiosyncratic pattern of enduring, long-term characteristics and a manner in which he or she interacts with other individuals and the world around them.
are thought to be long term
Determinants of Personality
H- eredity
E- nvironment
E- xperience
People are born with set of genes and chromosomes which are inherent form their parents.
People are exposed to different things in a life time.