Cards (5)

  • Identification of the Problem -
    The first step in research writing is to identify and problematize an area of interest. The researcher points out the area that needs further study or investigation given the current state of knowledge on the matter.
  • Literature Review -
    the researcher checks for related materials on the topic that are available that could serve as a starting point or reference for the study. The materials provide the initial view of the extent of efforts done to study the topic as well as the areas that need further research often called the gap. The research gap will be the basis for the purpose of the study.
  • Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data -
    At this stage, the materials and needed information are gathered, analyzed, and interpreted. The treatment of the data depends on the approach that will be used appropriate for the study.
  • Evaluation and Report Writing -
    From the analyzed data, conclusion and learning are drawn. The conclusion is the synthesized answer to the research questions which is also the answer to the problem identified in the study. The conclusion of the study will be the basis for the recommendations that define the actions and interventions that could impact the context where the problem emanates. From this point, the researcher is now ready to write the whole research paper.
  • Community Application or Utilization of Research -
    This is the stage where the result of the study is disseminated back to the community. For a research to make an impact on society, it is important that it is shared especially with the community concerned. This is best complemented with a plan on how research will be utilized to realize its full potential in creating a social value.