hospitality is the actofkindness in welcoming and looking after the basic needs of customers or strangers
hospitality (technical/contemporary) - relationshipprocess b/w customer and host
hospitality industry - comps/orgs w/c provide food and/or drinks and/or accommodations to pplawayfrhome
hospitality industry - broad category of fields w/in serviceindustry that include lodging, f&b service, event planning, transpo, cruise line, theme parks etc.
some characteristics of hospitality industry are unique in its nature, service-oriented, and strong emphasis on human exchange in the service delivery process
PRODUCT-SERVICEMIX - customers rarely consume pure products
PRODUCT-SERVICE MIX - hospitality customers consume a mixture of prods and servs
PRODUCT-SERVICE MIX - enhancing the service standard as a strategy of differentiation
TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION - to achieve service excellences, involvement & participation of customers and service staff is a MUST
to achieve service excellences, involvement & participation of customers and service staff is a MUST
TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION - interactions prod info regarding the needs and expectations of guests
TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION - thru interactions w/ customers, imp messages about their needs and expectations can be received by the staff for their immediate actions to create customer satisfaction
RELATIONSHIP BUILDING - industry depends on repeated customers for survival
RELATIONSHIP BUILDING - building long-term relationships w/ custo can benefit
RELATIONSHIP BUILDING - to develop brand loyalty, membership programmers give privileges and incentives to frequent customers
DIVERSITY IN CULTURE - there are always interactions w/ custo & staff members fr diff regions/cultures
CULTURAL DIVERSITY - quality of diverse or diff cultures
LABOR INTENSIVE - service-oriented; reqs a huge supply of labor force to create a memorable experience for the customers
LABOR INTENSIVE - staff-to-guest ratio is high in fine dining resto and 5 star hotels
COMMERCIAL HOSPITALITY - begins w/ professional ability of inviting guests & ends w/ bidding them farewell
COMMERCIAL HOSPITALITY - involves diff tangible and intangible servs elements to add to the client value
COMMERCIAL HOSPITALITY - means for building an individual business model for the hotel or resto company
INVITING HOSPITALITY - used at the stage of communicating the offer w/ the market
INVITING HOSPITALITY - marketing activities undertaken to persuade the client as a customer to choose and order the offer
INVITING HOSPITALITY - comprised of the ff activities: pr and branding acts, internet marketing, loyalty programmers, communication sys to maintain relationship with guests
WELCOMING HOSPITALITY - all activities and behaviors of service personnel and managerial team w/c are related to service during the arrival and reception at the hotel or restaurant
WELCOMING HOSPITALITY - inc activities undertaken prior to guest arrival
PERSONAL CONCIERGE: giving additional info and the provision of service
SERVICE HOSPITALITY - complete and consistent w/ all standards and procedures of guest staying in the hotel or eating in the resto
SERVICE HOSPITALITY - received in the place where the service is consumed
FAREWELLING HOSPITALITY - all acts and behaviors of service personnel and managerial team that close the process of guest service leaving the hotel or resto
FAREWELLING HOSPITALITY - acts of re-inviting the guest to return to the hotel or resto
FAREWELLING HOSPITALITY - may become the opportunity of “forgiving” minor mistakes
BUSINESS MODEL - describes the rationale of how an org creates, delivers, and captures value in economic, cultural or other contexts
CUSTOMER SEGMENTS - classification of clients based on 2 general segments:
base client - regular customers thru continuous and repetitive use of services secure the profitability of the comp
alternative client - reached by the comp thru marketing in periods of lower activity of the base client
VALUE PROPOSITION - expressed in the price and service offer of a comp.
In VALUEPROPOSITION, equally important are: first time guest and returning guest
the value of the comp is in both first time users and returning guests