Living Conditions

Cards (24)

  • The wealthy could afford more meat and fish in their diet.
  • wine, beer and ale were drank more often instead of water
  • in expanding towns some rich people had the luxury of a well in their garden but ordinary people did not
  • Hot chocolate, tea and coffee became more popular. Sugar was especially popular
  • Flushing Toilet invented in 1596
  • Scavengers would empty cesspits every year or two
  • Wealthy people could afford for water to be piped into houses
  • Conduits in towns and water sellers continued
  • People would heat their house with coal
  • still mainly agricultural
  • population doubled from 3 to 6 million
  • steam engine invented in 1712
  • increasing number of people living in towns such as bath
  • power of catholic church declined during Henry VIII
  • 1683 leeuwenhoek saw tiny organisms through a microscope
  • Growing power of parliament
  • In towns wealthy merchants controlled public health as aldermen
  • The number of alehouses in towns and villages
  • printing press developed
  • 1729, 1736, 1743: the early gin acts tried to control gin drinking through taxes and licences but were ineffective
  • Only 3% could vote
  • Printing press invented in the late 15th century. this allowed books to be mass produced and spread ideas quickly.
  • Microscope invented
  • Local government continued to play a role in improving public health:
    • In york, city aldermen introduced the following rules:
    • Pigs were not allowed to wander the streets
    • Fines for throwing human waster into the street
    • No one could build a privy over the main city stream