"Resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of any person...' Recklessness and specific intention to prevent arrest.
GBH S18 can be established if D does following things
A repeated or plannedattack. Deliberate selection of a weapon or adaptation of an article to causeinjury, such as breaking a glass before an attack. Making priorthreats. Using an offensiveweapon against, or kicking the victim's head.
For S18 GBH MR it must be shown that D:
Intending to cause GBH OR resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of any person.
What are the 4 ways GBH can be caused?
DA, CA, IA, Omission
How to confirm injuries as GBH?
Use R v Smith and Saunders to confirm injury is justified.
Knowingly giving STI = GBH
R v Dica (2004)
psychiatric injury can be GBH
R v Burstow (1997)
Severity injuries assessed according to V's age, vulnerability and health
R v Bollom (2004)
Jury can be directed without word really
Saunders (1985)
GBH = really serious harm
R v Smith (1961)
What act defines a wound with quote?
JJC v Eisenhower [1984]"A cut or break in the continuity of the skin, causing external bleeding".
When GBH is not unlawful
When acting in self defense, defense of another person or preventionof a crime. Where person has consented or where the injury results from properly conducted games.
It must also be shown for the AR of S18 GBH that?
The defendant has eitherunlawfully wounded the victim or caused grievous bodily harm.