Patterns of inheritance

Cards (47)

  • Genotype
    the genetic makeup of an organism
  • Phenotype
    the visible characteristics of an organism
  • What leads to genetic variation
    mutations, sexual reproduction and environmental factors
  • Mutagens - agents that can increase the rate of mutation
    Physical: x-rays, gamma rays, UV light
    Chemical: nitrous gas, mustard gas, benzopyrene
    Biological: some viruses, food contaminants (mycotoxins)
  • Mutations that occur during gamete formation
    > persistent - can be transmitted through generations without change
    > random - not directed by a need on the part of the organism in which they occur
  • Chromosome mutations
    > fusion of two diploid gametes make a tetraploid zygote
    > when a diploid gamete is fertilised by a haploid gamete resulting gamete will be triploid (has 3 sets of chromosomes)
    • many cultivated plants are polyploidy
  • Sexual reproduction
    Meiosis produces genetically different gametes. During meiosis genetic variation may result from
    • allele shuffling - swapping of alleles between non-sister chromatids during crossing over in prophase 1
    • independent assortment of chromosomes during metaphase 1
    • independent assortment of chromatids during metaphase 2
    > Gametes produced by meiosis are individual and genetically dissimilar. They contain only one allele for every gene and one of each pair of homologous chromosomes.
    > Random fusion of gametes increases genetic diversity
  • Environmental factors
    Phenotypic variation caused by...
    • speaking in dialect - don't inherit through genes
    • diet
    • losing a limb or gaining a scar
  • Variation caused by environment interacting with genes
    > Plants kept in dim light after germination or placed in soil that has insufficient magnesium then leaves don't develop enough chlorophyll.
    > Plant cannot photosynthesise
    > Chlorotic plants have genotype for making chlorophyll but environmental factors are preventing expression of these genes
    • E.g: Chlorosis in plants causes yellow leaves due to lack of chlorophyll because of a mineral deficiency in the soil
  • Gene - base sequence of DNA that codes for the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
  • Allele - different versions of a gene
    • an individual inherits two alleles one from each parents at the gene locus
  • Population genetics
    > studies variation in the alleles and genotypes within the gene pool and how their frequencies vary over time.
    > factors affecting allele frequencies and genetic diversity within a gene pool:
    • population size
    • natural selection
    • migration
    • non-random mating
    • mutation rates
    • genetic drift
  • Hardy-Weinberg Principle
    > predicts allele frequency in a population
    > it assumes that
    • the population is large enough to justify sampling errors
    • mating is random within population
    • there is no mutations
    • no migration or genetic drift
    • no selective advantage for any genotype so no selection
  • Artificial selection
    > selective breeding of organisms
    > humans choose the desired phenotypes by selecting the genotypes that contribute to the gene pool of the next generation (allowing those with desirable traits interbreed)
    > desirable characteristics in
    • plants: increased yield, pest and disease resistance
    • livestock: docility and ability to be trained in herds
    breeders may select those individuals that grow best under certain desired conditions and cross-pollinate them collecting offspring and repeat process over many generations
  • Inbreeding depression
    > At each stage of selective breeding, the genetic diversity in the gene pool of the selected breed is reduced
    > if related individuals are crossed, inbreeding depression can result
    > chances of an individual inheriting homozygous recessive allele defects are then increased
  • Hybrid vigour
    Breeders outcross individuals belonging to 2 different varieties to obtain individuals that are heterozygous at many gene loci
  • > Commercial varieties of crops have reduced causing them to become genetically similar.
    > If a pathogen is introduced plants succumb to the infection
    > breeders may have to outcross cultivated varieties with varieties like their wild ancestors to increase hybrid vigour
    > samples of these types need to be conserved in gene banks
  • Gene banks store genomes in their organisms
    • rare breed farms
    • seed banks
    • frozen embryos
    • sperm banks
    • botanic gardens and zoos
  • Artificial selection in dogs
    > traits in dogs considered desirable by humans may put dogs at a selective disadvantage in the wild
    > through inbreeding some pedigree dogs are susceptible to disease
    > some coat colours selected for aesthetics would fail to camouflage the animals
    dogs have been domesticated for hunting, herding, aid for the disabled, protection and aesthetics
  • Arguments FOR selective breeding - useful traits
    • increased drought resistance in plants
    • increased milk yield in cattle
    • reduced calf mortality
    • good length and angle of teats for ease of milking
    • additional nutritious qualities:
    • high fat and protein content in milk
    • high muscle to fat ratio
  • Arguments AGAINST selective breeding
    • artificial selection is for benefit of humans not organism
    • crops/animals become less genetically diverse leading to fewer alleles in gene pool
    • loss of fertility
    • harmful recessive alleles may be expressed
    • increased homozygosity
    • genetic erosion
    • crops and animals susceptible to diseases as they are genetically uniform
  • Chi 2 test
    tests if there is a significant difference between our expected and observed values
    • if x value is higher than critical value then we reject null hypothesis as there IS a significant difference between expected and observed values
    • to work out critical value: number of categories - 1
  • Epistasis
    when the expression of one gene masks or suppresses the expression of another gene which reduces phenotypic ratio
    • Normal 9:3:3:1 ratio is reduced to....
    • 9:3:4 in recessive epistasis
    • 12:3:1 in dominant epistasis
    > gives an unexpected phenotypic ratio
    involves interaction of genes at different loci
    + or - gene expression of gene 'B' as a result of gene 'A' can result in...
    • dominant epistasis: AA, Aa
    • recessive epistasis: aa
  • Co-dominance
    both alleles of one gene are dominant
    they show 3 different phenotypes including a mixed ones
    • DONT write genes as RW as you will be representing epistasis (2 different genes)
    • Have large 'C' representing gene and smaller allele above
  • q - recessive allele
    p - dominant allele
    q^2 -Homozygous recessive genotype
    P^2 - Homozygous dominant genotype
    2pq - Heterozygous
  • Multiple alleles
    more than 2 alleles for one gene
    e.g: ABO blood groups
    • Type o is a universal donor
    • Type AB is co-dominant and is a universal receiver
  • Sex-linkage
    genes found on sex chromosomes in the genome
    • females have XX less likely to be affected but can be carriers
    • males have XY so more easily affected by alleles on X as there are no alleles on the Y to counteract it
  • Dihybrid inheritance
    shows inheritance pattern of 2 genes
    each gamete carries one allele of both genes
    4 possible genotypes
    • e.g: pea crossing
  • There may be unexpected ratios due to:
    • random fertilisation
    • autosomal linkage
    • no crossing over occurring to separate these genes
    the further away the genes are on a gene locus the more likely they are to be separated
    to test if there is linkage or epistasis:
    x2 test which finds the significant difference between expected and observed ratios of offspring
    • if x2 > CV at P= 0.05 there is a significant difference between the frequencies and linkage/epistasis occurred
  • Phenotypic ratios 

    9:3:3:1 - dihybrid inheritance
    shows 2 genes on different chromosomes
    both inherited as separate units
  • Autosomal linkage
    > when two gene loci found on same autosomal (non-sex) chromosome are inherited together
    > gene loci can impact the combination of the 2 genes and how they are inherited:
    influencing independent assortment
  • How many different gamete possibilities would a haploid number of 8 give?
    = 256
  • Genetic variation is typically a product of
    • variety of alleles - large gene pool
    • random fertilisation
    • meiosis which produces genetically unique gametes
    • offspring have alleles from more than 1 parents
    • crossing over in prophase 1 between non-sister chromatids
    • independent assortment in metaphase 1 and 2
  • Describe how the phenotypic ratio 9:3:3:1 might be different if two genes were autosomally linked
    a higher proportion would be heterozygous like their parents
  • Suggest and explain one reason, other than epistasis, why the phenotype ratio might not be 9:3:3:1
    > autosomal linkage
    > both alleles occur on same chromosome so no independent assortment takes place
    > so alleles are inherited together in same gamete
    (unless crossing over occurs/ a chiasmata forms between gene loci)
  • How can genetic diversity be measured?
    genetic polymorphism
  • Explain why a genetic bottleneck can lead to low genetic diversity.
    > many alleles are lost when a population drops
    > modern populations descended from few survivors with a limited gene pool
  • With reference to Fig. 20.2, explain the effect of stabilising selection on beak size on Daphne Island.
    • Genetic variation as a result of sexual reproduction, mutation and meiosis
    • Finches with extreme beak lengths less likely to survive- being selected against
    • birds with very small and large beaks do not survive (beaks less than 7.4mm or more than 11.6mm)
    • survivors possess alleles for average beak depth - 11.2mm
    • alleles for for average beak depth more likely to be inherited by offspring
    • results in increase of these alleles from generations
    • bell-shaped curve skewed to right
  • Explain, with reference to selective breeding, why it is important to maintain viable wild populations of crop plant species (6 marker)
    • genetic variation - populations less susceptible to new diseases and changing climates
    • gene banks are a source of useful alleles
    • source of replacement if cultivated population of crops is vulnerable
    • introducing different alleles increasing gene pool
    • preventing inbreeding depression and promoting hybrid vigour
  • Definitions
    A) genotype
    B) phenotype
    C) homologous
    D) heterozygous
    E) recessive allele
    F) dominant allele
    G) codominant
    H) multiple alleles
    I) sex-linkage
    J) autosomal linkage
    K) epistasis
    L) monohybrid
    M) dihybrid