the cheka under lenin prosecuted 'counter revolutionaries' : supporters of the former tsar , deserters of the red army and political opposition
before 1921 , the chekas activities included : requisitioning grain , closing down opposition newspapers , torturing + executing opponents and executing deserters
during NEP : 'class enemies' were women who wore western clothes , and young people dancing to western music
the role of yagoda
became head of NKVD in 1934
police under him tended to treat party officials with respect , so purge was slow
stalin criticised this
role of yezhov
responsible for large increase in terror ( 1936 - 38)
deported 653 thousand people
had 1.5 million arrested
had 680 thousand executed
role of beria
mass execution of ethnic groups
mass deportations + executions
in charge of nuclear efforts during the cold war
show trials
trial of the 16 ( 1936 ) - headed by yagoda , execution of zinoviev and allies
trial of the 17 ( 1937 ) - headed by yezhov , execution of Trotsky's main supporters
trial of the 27 ( 1938 ) - headed by beria , execution of bukharin and main allies , including yagoda
stalin's aims
used against the party
create fear to keep control
sent millions to forced labourcamps
Andropov's suppression of dissidents
suspicious of Khrushchev's liberalisation
rejected use of terror + show trials
target specific individuals
andropovs strategies
sent opponents to psychiatric hospitals to receive 'treatment'
invested in surveillance
intimidation tactics ( eg. bulldozer exhibition)
demotion / sacking of dissidents
dealing with discontent :
Andropov launched anti corruption campaign, Minister of Interior investigated
Launched anti alchohol campaign, workers sacked for drunkenness
Operation trawl, KGB visited parks and restaurants and arrested those who were absent from work or drunk
however andropov fell ill and was unable to sustain the campaigns
andropovs failures :
failed to stamp out opposition
homemade self published magazine (samizdat) contained counter revolutionary material
pressure from western governments meant some dissidents remained free
popular discontent
reports suggests that soviet citizens were : anxious about livingstandards , dissatisfied with availability of consumergoods and resentful of corruption of partymembers
according to KGBreports , a loss of faith in the system led to social malaise , including an increase in : alcoholism , poorlabourdiscipline , black market trade and demand for western goods