reversible reaction

Cards (11)

  • reversible reactions go backwards and forwards
  • if the forward reaction is endo then backwards will be exo
  • if forward is exo then it wants a low temperature in surroundings
  • if backwards is endo then it will want a high temp
  • equillibrium is reached when rate of forward and reverse reaction is the same
  • equilibrium has to be in a closed system
  • at equilibrium, the amount of particles does not need to be the same
  • le chateliers principle states if temperature increases equilibrium favours endo as temperature needs to decrease
  • le chateliers principle states if temperature decreases, equilibrium will favour exo as temp needs to increase
  • la chateliers principle states that if concentration of reactants increases then equilibrium will shift right
  • le chateliers principle states that an increase in concentration of products causes equilibrium to shift left