ConstructI’ve waves create the beach and destructive waves break the beach down
Weathering is the process of rocks breaking down due to diffe weather conditions
Erosion effect the coast when it breaks down and erodes the cliff and beaches
beaches are formed by the deposit of sediment from the sea which is carried by the wind
spits are created by the wind blowing the current in a different direction
headland are cliffs that stick out into the sea and are formed by erosion
bays are a body of water surrounded by land
caves,arches,stacks and stumps form from erosion
the main threats to facing coastlines are global warming and factorise that lead the co2 i to the sea which causes sea levels rising,storm surges which lead to losing land
coastlines can be managed with rock armour,sea walls ,groynes sand others
groynes are wooden structures used to trap sediment so it doesn't move down the beach
rock armour is large rocks placed on top of each other to protect against waves
seawalls are built along the shoreline to prevent flooding
hard engineering is where man made materials are used to control coastal change
soft engineering is when natural processes are allowed to happen but they are controlled by humans