
Cards (27)

  • Benefits of sleep
    Emotional stability
    physical repair
    healthy brain
  • Stage 1 of sleep
    Light drowsy sleep
  • Stage 2 of sleep
    Loss of conscious awareness
  • Stage 3 of sleep
    Deep sleep
  • stage 4 of sleep
    Deep sleep
    hard to wake someone up
  • REM stage of sleep
    Dreaming stage
    brain waves like when your awake
  • sleep onset insomnia
    Struggle to go to sleep
  • Causes is onset insomnia
    heavy meals
    screens before bed
  • Sleep maintenance insomnia
    Struggle to stay asleep
  • causes of maintenance insomnia
    with someone who snores
  • Endogenous pacemakers
    Biological clocks inside the body that regulate sleepiness and consciousness
  • Exogenous zeitgbers
    External cues like daylight and eating times
  • length of a sleep cycle
    90 minutes
  • why are urges repressed
    They are aggressive or sexual
  • Where are the urges pushed
    Into the unconscious mind
  • wish fulfilment
    We dream about what we want to do
  • manifest content
    Dreams are not literal but have a hidden meaning
  • Criticism of Freuds theory
    Too subjective
    difficult to test
    historically and cultural biases
  • Wolfman study design 

    Longitudinal case study
  • Wolfman sample
    Man in twenties from wealthy Russian family
  • Wolfman‘s dream
    white wolves starring at a tree
  • what freud said
    Represented when Wolfman saw his parent having sex
  • the Wolf represents
    The father
  • the tree represents
    Christmas tree
  • the white represents
    Bed sheets
  • Freud conclusion
    Wolfman had a unconscious desire to be seduced by his father
    but fears being castrated
  • Criticism of Wolfman
    Hard to generalise
    focuses on unconscious that can’t be tested
    recall of dream may be inaccurate