Market segments

Cards (9)

  • What is the definition of market segments?
    An identifiable group of individuals or part of a market where customers share one or more characteristics
  • What is segment by location?
    A business may decide to sell its product in just one country
    or at rural rather than urban areas
  • What are market segment demographics?
    Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it
  • What is segmentation by lifestyle?
    Customers can be grouped according to the way they lead their lives
  • What may segmentation by lifestyle include?
    Hobbies , interests , attitudes and family situations
  • What is segmentation by income?
    Segmented according to annual salary or type of job and social class
  • What can segmentation by income be divided into?
    Low income , middle and high
  • What is segmentation by age?
    Target different people on their ages
  • What is segmentation by Gender?
    Where products are aimed at men or women