angry and frustrated

Cards (15)

    • we know that anger can be activated by a perceived threat
    • it's part of the "fight or flight" adaptive response
    • it tells us there may be a "threat" out there
  • drive... the plus side of anger
    • anger can provide increased drive
    • a greater motivation to "do something"
    • to effect a positive change
  • clarity
    • it can provide the purpose and clarity that may be otherwise lacking from day to day
    • can you channel phsyical resources -- have you ever gone for an "angry walk"" or an "angry workout?"
  • what is anger?
    • an emotional response that initiates a phsyical reaction
    • increased action in your dorsal pons -- part of the brain area involved in emotions
    • the periaque-ductal area: fight or flight?
    • anger, research shows, results in people judging other more harshly
    • they share less
    • they have less empathy
    • in a moral problem, angry people judge others more harshly than themselves --> a "moral dilemma"
    • are you physically uncomfortable? get rid of irritants!
    • reduce physical irritants (ie, lighting? bed? chair?)
    • too hot or too cold?
    • too much noise?
    • not enough background soothing noise like the whirr of a fan?
    • clutter? piles of stuff that annoys you?
  • how to calm down
    • breathing - deep and slow from your diaphragm
    • feel each breath
    • research shows that focusing on breathing drops activity in the amygdala
    • the amygdala controls, to large degree, fear and anxiety
  • two kinds of anger:
    • integral anger
    • directly angry w/ a person
    • OR
    • directly angry over a situation
  • pinpoint what makes you angry
    • the other kind of anger is....
    • incidental anger
    • one thing makes you angry, but you react or lash out at something altogether different
    • here's what we know: once you've decided why you are angry, rational thought, strategic though can commence
    • 2017 applied psychology study shows striking similarity for both women and men
    • think of home and professional life as "two good things competing for our time and attention"
    • not two things constantly battling
    • studies have shown a higher sense of purpose action:
    • stronger immune response
    • lower levels of stress hormones
    • reduced cardiovascular problems
    • fewer sleep issues
    • lower depression issues
    • longer lives
  • switching roles?
    • versus "perfect" balance
    • detach for a while from a certain role and embrace another role
    • leads to a refreshed energy and enthusiasm for the role we temporarily "left"
  • managing student debt
    • for most of us, budgeting a regular monthly payment
    • per the budget assignment example from a group
    • use annual salary increases to
    • 1) increase your debt payment, even a little
    • 2) start investing for retirement such as a 401K or individual retirement plan
    • don't abuse charge cards
  • managing your money
    • pay yourself first
    • set aside a percentage of gross pay as an IRA or 401K
    • likely offered by employer
    • many have a "match" of (for example 3%)
    • make sure you contribute to meet the matching percentage
    • pay off credit cards!!! don't abuse them!!!
    • use annual increases to pay off and increase your 401K percentage
    • try to do this for three years - its tough!!!
  • recent events have us all on edge...
    • what can we identify?
    • people and events seem to jump quickly to fury and outrage
    • social media as an agitator?
    • war, crime, politics
    • we know that as anxiety increases, it's companion is often an increase in anger or at minimum deep frustration