Environmental chemistry

Cards (16)

  • Air is 78% nitrogen
  • Nitrogen is the key element to plant growth
  • A pollutant is a substance which can cause harm to living things. They can be non persistent or persistent
  • A non persistent pollutant can be broke down over time in the environment, EX: fertilizers or sewage
  • A persistent pollutant accumulates, and breaks down very slowly, EX: pesticides or petroleum
  • Eutrophication: excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, which causes a dense growth of plant life.
  • Pesticide: chemicals used to kill pests
  • Pests:organisms that cause harm to people
  • Herbicides: EX weeds
    Insecticides: EX insects
    Fungicides: EX fungi
  • 4R’s — reduce,reuse,recycle,recover
  • Litmus paper is a example of a chemical indicator
  • The pH scale ranges from 0-14
  • These six elements make up the human body — oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and calcium.
  • Neutralization produces water and salt
  • organic compounds contain carbon inorganic compounds do not
  • A compound that contains only one element is called an elemental compound