Defense Mechanisms are also called as egodefense mechanisms or protective defense.
DefenseMechanisms are defined as patterns of behaving or thinking used by an individual to protect themselves from threatening aspects of their own environment or from their own feeling of anxiety.
Purpose of Defense Mechanism: C
maintains a sense of being in control of the situation
Purpose of Defense Mechanism: D
lessen discomfort
Purpose of Defense Mechanism: A
decrease anxiety
Types of Defense Mechanisms: (NA) normal and adaptive, (Na) narcissistic, (I) immature, (Ne) neurotic
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
persons who use these mechanisms are viewed as having virtues.
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
enhances the user’s feeling of mastery and pleasure.
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
(A) Anticipation - planning ahead for a realistic expectation
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
(C) Compromise - reciprocal “give-and-take” is necessary in many relationships
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
(S) Sublimation - reciprocal “give-and-take” is necessary in many relationships
Normal and Adaptive Mechanisms
(H) Humor - seeing the lighter side of the situation
Narcissistic Defense Mechanisms are the most primitive mechanism
Narcissistic Defense Mechanisms are usually used by children.
person who uses narcissistic defense mechanisms eliminate the need to cope with reality.
Narcissistic Defense Mechanisms
Narcissistic Defense Mechanism
(D) Denial - refusal to accept reality
Narcissistic Defense Mechanism
(P) Projection - blaming others for unacceptable deeds or thoughts
Narcissistic Defense Mechanism
(F) Fantasy - gratification of wishes through imagination
Immature Defense Mechanisms are seen in adolescence and some non-psychotic individuals.
Immature Defense Mechanisms lessens distress and anxiety in provoking situations.
people who excessively use Immature Defense Mechanisms are seen as sociallyundesirable in that they are immature, difficult to deal with, and seriously out of touch with reality.
Immature Defense Mechanisms
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(C) Conversion - transferring emotional conflict into physical symptoms
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(M) Malingering - fabrication of ailments
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(F) Fixation - psychosocial development ceased to advance
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(R) Regression - returning to an earlier developmental stage
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(I) Identification- unconscious attempt to change oneself to resemble the admired person
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(I) Introjection - a type of identification in which the individual incorporates the trait or values of another to self
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(I) Intellectualization - excessive reasoning to obscure real feeling
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(S) Suppression - conscious or voluntary forgetting of unacceptable or painful ideas, thoughts, or feelings
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(I) Isolation: physical - physical withdrawal from people to prevent further hurt or damage to one’s security
Immature Defense Mechanisms
(I) Isolation: emotional - separating an unacceptable feelings, ideas, or impulses from one’s thoughts
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms seen in obsessive-compulsive, hysterical individual, and adults under stress.
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms have short term advantage in coping. when used as one’s primary style of coping, it may cause long term problems in relationships and in enjoying life.
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms
reaction formation
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms
(D) Displacement - releasing anger in a less threatening way
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms
(D) Dissociation - blocking off anxiety provoking event from the conscious mind
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms
(S) Substitution- taking something in place of the original goal