Lesson 1.3 C++ Functions

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  • A function in C++ is a block of code that performs a specific task.
  • In order to use library functions, we usually need to include the header file in which these library functions are defined.
  • Standard Library Functions in C++ are predefined and can be accessed without creating a new function.
  • User-defined Functions in C++ are created by users.
  • When a function is invoked from any part of the program, it executes the codes defined in the body of the function.
  • A parameter is a value that is passed when declaring a function.
  • The return statement in C++ can be used to return a value from a function.
  • Built-in functions in C++ programming can be accessed by invoking them directly, without needing to write the functions themselves.
  • The greet() function can be called by invoking it.
  • The function add(int a, int b) in C++ returns the sum of a and b when it is invoked.
  • In the function printNum(int num), the int variable num is the function parameter.
  • When a function is called, a value is passed to the function parameter.
  • Some common library functions in C++ are sqrt(), abs(), isdigit(), etc.
  • The syntax to declare a function in C++ is: returnType functionName (parameter1, parameter2,...) { // function body }.
  • An example of a function declaration in C++ is: void greet() { cout << "Hello World"; }.
  • The name of the function in C++ is greet().
  • The return type of the function in C++ is void.
  • The empty parentheses in a function declaration in C++ mean it doesn't have any parameters.
  • The function body in C++ is written inside {}.
  • To call a function in C++, the function declaration is written as: void greet() { cout << "Hello World"; }.