Aftermath of Civil War (10/01/24)

Cards (17)

  • In 1940, China had been divided into 10 zones which were mostly under GMD control. In October 1945, Xinjiang and Tibet were some of the only provinces not under CCP control.
  • Xinjiang was controlled by the Soviets. In October 1949, the CCP established a communist provincial government. However, pockets of resistance remained until 1954.
  • Old liberated areas = those with a communist presence before 1949
  • New Liberated areas = recently fallen under communist control
  • Peoples democratic governments were given to the Old Liberated areas e.g Manchuria
  • In Old Liberated areas, the CCP had strong peasant support and had established control over the local government.
  • New Liberated areas were placed under Military Control Commissions.
  • The New Liberated Areas were mostly South of the Yangtze river and victory had to be achieved by conquest. There were pockets of resistance from GMD support; labelled as bandits by Mao.
  • Operations against bandits continued past October 1949.
  • Bandits = Old GMD supporters
  • The Red Army had stripped factory machinery and taken it to the USSR.
  • Industrial production in 1949 was at 44% of 1937 levels.
  • Young men who had left agricultural areas to fight took local food supplies for themselves.
  • Food production in 1949 was 30% below it's 1937 level.
  • The country was facing food shortages and there were already pockets of emerging hardship in China
  • Foreign trade had declined and so the port cities of Shanghai, Guangzhou and Tianjin had decayed.
  • The rampant inflation of the final years had led to economic devastation. The wealthy had moved money offshore to Hong Kong and Taiwan. This led to a shortage of capital causing further economic devastation.