The duties and responsibilities of a phlebotomist include preparing patients and sites for specimen collection, collecting venous and capillary specimens for testing, preparing specimens for proper transport, adhering to all HIPAA and confidentiality guidelines, and transporting and dispatching samples efficiently.
Conduct and qualities that characterize a professional person include general appearance and grooming, self confidence, integrity, compassion, self motivation, dependability, and ethics and ethical behavior.
Patient rights in healthcare include providing high quality patient care in a clean and safe environment, confidentiality of all patient information, and respect for patient privacy.
Communication in healthcare is the means by which information is exchanged or transmitted, including verbal, active listening, and non-verbal communication.
The clinical laboratory is divided into two major areas: Anatomical and Surgical Pathology and Clinical laboratory services perform tests on patient specimens.
The pathologist is a physician with advanced training in clinical and anatomical pathology and directs laboratory services to benefit both physician and patients.
Histology is defined as the study of the microscopic structure of tissues and in this department, pathologists evaluate samples of tissue from surgeries and autopsies under a microscope to determine if they are normal or pathological (diseased).
Cytogenetics and flow cytometry are areas found in larger labs where samples are examined microscopically for chromosomal deficiencies that relate to genetic disease.
A medical laboratory assistant, also called clinical laboratory assistant and clinical assistant, is an individual with phlebotomy training or experience who is skilled in many areas of the laboratory.
A medicallaboratory scientist or medical technologist generally has a bachelor degree of science degree plus additional studies and experience in the clinical laboratory setting.
Urinalysis (UA) is the analysis of urine and the UA department, which is often housed in the hematology or chemistry area, performs tests on urine specimens.
The hematology department (heme for short) in a medical laboratory performs laboratory tests that discover, identify, and monitor diseases and other problems associated with blood and blood-forming tissues.
The chemistry department (chem for short) in a medical laboratory is concerned with the detection and measurement of chemical substances in body fluids.
A medical laboratory technician is most often an individual with an associate’s degree from a two year program or certification from a military or proprietary (private) school.
The microbiology department (micro for short) in a medical laboratory analyzes blood and other body fluids and tissues for the presence of microorganisms, primarily by means of culture and sensitivity (C&S) testing.