Cards (5)

  • Methodology + procedures Controlled Study
    Study of Little Albert was devised under controlled conditions where extraneous variables could be controlled .
    • There was a baseline condition where his pre manipulation behaviour was established to show he wasn't a fearful child
    • Was a controlled condition (building blocks)which showed Albert fear was exclusively towards fluffy objects
  • Methodology + procedures The sample
    It was the researchers intention to eventually study more than one participant however their dismissal from the university meant they couldn’t do this. Therefore any conclusions must be drawn from this case. WR described Albert as a calm even tempered baby had he been emotionally unstable he might have responded with even greater fear and conditioned response might have persisted even longer
  • Alternative Evidence - 2 process theory
    • One Criticism of classical conditioning as an explanation for phobias is that it can’t explain how they persist.
    • O.H Mowrer explained why it doesn’t disappear in his 2 process model the first stage is CC and second is OC. Classical conditioning explains how phobias are acquired and operant explains how it’s maintained
    • Once fear is learned an individual will avoid situation the avoidance of phobic object reduces fear and is thus reinforcing(NR). The fact that no axiety is experienced during this behaviour is positively reinforcing .
  • Alternative Evidence - Learning isn’t the only explanation
    • There are a number of issues with conditioning as an explanation for phobias. Firstly not all phobias are preceded by a conditioning episode. Though it’s possible that’s traumatic incidents have happened but have since been forgotten (Ost 1987)
  • Learning isn’t the only explanation (2)
    Some people who have experienced such traumatic events such as dog bite don’t develop a phobia ( Di Nardo et al 1988) therefore learning alone cannot explain all behaviours .
    • one alternative explanation is biological preparedness