biological explan for offending

Cards (21)

  • lombroso - links physical characteristics to crime
  • positivist criminology says that criminal behaviour results from physcial and psycholgoical features
  • atavistic features - strong jaw, heavy brow, extra fingers or toes, long arms
  • atavistic form - features that criminals have
  • atavistic - comes from genetic throwbacks - not as evolved
  • lombroso strengths - highlighted role of biology - interaction between biology and physiologicla factors
  • mednick et al - adoption studies on criminal behaviour - genetic link is supported but concordance is quite low suggesting that other factors still influence criminality
  • genetic influences on agression - link between genes and aggression
  • jacobs et al - higher percentage of prision pop have atypical chromosome pattern xyy - this leads to increased violence which might result in offending behaviour
  • raine et al - neural explan of criminality - link between brain dysfunction and predisposition to violence
  • strengths - studies support - tested scientifically
  • weaknesses - no studies have had a 100% concordance rate - reductionist
  • MAOA linked to high levels of criminality
  • if low its called MAOA-L - this gene controls serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline which affects aggression
  • diathesis stress model - MAOA and environment
  • neurological structures - reduced limblic system in criminals which means guilt and empathy are inhibited
  • research is socially sensitive
  • maoa-l leads to poorer impulse control
  • charles whitman - tumor on amygdala
  • brunner - family in netherkands
  • raine - those with anti social personality disorder had less grey matter in prefrontal cortex