Metamorphism is the changes that occur to a rock’s mineralogy and texture in the solid state, brought about by the input of thermal energy (heat) and/or mechanical energy.
Changes occurring during weathering and diagenesis are usually excluded from metamorphism.
Temperature has a profound effect on metamorphism because it controls the stabilities of minerals and mineral assemblages.
P-T diagram showing some of the reactions that can occur in metamorphosed mudstones (pelites).
Metamorphic processes can be observed through a microscope as recrystallisation and neomineralisation.
In response to heat, recrystallisation of existing minerals can change texture and form new minerals through neomineralisation due to chemical exchange between reacting minerals.
Neomineralisation is the formation of new minerals at the expense of existing ones (new formulae and polymorphs).
Neomineralisation involves chemical reactions between minerals (± fluid).
A variety of elements in the clay minerals in the shale have recombined to form micas, garnets and stauralite.
During metamorphism, existing minerals can adopt new textures (shapes and sizes) and some minerals can adopt a preferred orientation.
Quartz has recrystalised in the solid state from a rounded, abraded sedimentary texture to an interlocking ‘granoblastic’ texture.
Changes occurring during regional metamorphism can be seen in the metamorphism of mudstones, pelites, slate, and schist.
Heating due to intrusion of magma can cause changes in minerals, leading to contact metamorphism, which is often seen in thermal aureoles around igneous intrusions.
Regional metamorphism is almost always associated with contraction (deviatoric stresses), so development of cleavage to schistosity with increasing temperature and pressure is common.
Regional metamorphism is associated with distinct mineral assemblages with increasing temperature and pressure, and grainsize increases with increasing temperature and pressure.
Medium grade metamorphism, exemplified by muscovite crystals growing bigger and other new minerals forming, can be seen in schist.
High grade metamorphism, exemplified by changes in texture, can be seen in gneiss.
Contact metamorphism results in the formation of non-foliated rock, with distinct increase in crystal growth size, often with formation of recrystalised aggregate 'spots'.
Low grade metamorphism, exemplified by changes in bedding and cleavage, can be seen in pelites.
Dislocation, or dynamic metamorphism, occurs in fault zones, where minerals have moved due to deformation.
Shock metamorphism occurs due to intense, short-lived shock pressures due to meteorite impacts.
Rotation of flaky minerals into parallelism, and/or growth of new flakes in the new orientation, has resulted in the development of cleavage, also known as foliation.
No new minerals have formed during the changes in quartz.
Stress, in geology, is roughly to a pressure of 10kbar.
Directed stress does not affect a rock’s volume but causes a rock to change in shape by being flattened or sheared.
The nature of migmatite is described and its origin is explained in chapter 3.
This temperature range is referred to as the anchizone.
In sedimentary rocks, the process of these temperatures is called diagenesis (pronunciation: diagenesis), rather than metamorphism.
At the upper end of the temperature range, metamorphism causes some rocks to partially melt, and a kind of gneiss is produced.
Between roughly 100°C and 150°C, diagenesis is sometimes called very-low-grade metamorphism, also known as anchimetamorphism (pronunciation: anchimetamorphism).
Stress can be resolved into two parts: Load Pressure, which acts uniformly in every direction, and Deviatoric Stress, which is different in different directions.
Deviatoric Stress also results in plastic deformation in warm ductile middle & lower crust, as heat reduces the strength of rock.
New minerals’ shape and orientation are also guided by deviatoric stress.
Diagenesis follows lithification.
Deviatoric Stress is caused by lateral transmission of tectonic forces through the solid Earth’s crust, for example at convergent plate margins.
Directed stress (flattening) and directed stress pressure are terms used in the context of metamorphism.
Deviatoric Stress results in fracturing (faulting) in cold, brittle upper crust.
Deviatoric stresses have little effect on mineral stabilities, but can have a major effect on texture if they act over long periods of time because large cumulative deformation effects can build up.
Existing minerals may be compressed, elongated or rotated due to deviatoric stress.
Stress: Force per unit area, measured in Pascal (Pa), bar, or kbar.