Ethnicity: Material Deprivation

Cards (2)

  • Material Deprivation
    Platt (2007) - Minority groups in the UK are more likely to live in higher levels of poverty and have much lower rates of employment than white British people.
    • Around 40 per cent of people from ethnic minorities are in income poverty, twice the rate for white British people (the majority).
    • The income poverty rate varies substantially between ethnic groups:
    • Bangladeshi - 65%
    • Pakistani 55%
    • black Africans - 45%
    • black Caribbean - 30%
    • Indian - 25%
    • White British - 20%
  • Material Deprivation
    Gilborne and Mirza (2000)
    When we compare children from different ethnic groups who are in the same social class position, we still see differences in attainment.
    • Highest among all middle-class students = Asian Chinese• Lowest among all working-class students = White British (boys)