Social Class : Material Deprivation

Cards (3)

  • Material Deprivation
    Douglas suggests that lower income families are disadvantaged in education for many reasons, such as:
    • Overcrowded homes
    • Poor diets
    • Low income/unemployment
    • Part-time jobs
    • Disadvantaged, poverty- stricken areas
  • Material Deprivation
    Howard wrote 'Poverty & Poor Diet' stating that people from poorer families have a lower intake of vitamins and minerals, which leads to poor health, absence from school and subsequent failure.
  • Material Deprivation
    Bull wrote 'The Cost of Education' highlighting that 'free' schooling is never free. There are hidden costs of schooling, for example, school trips, text books, revision guides, uniform, equipment, internet access. This financial burden on low income families leads to children being stigmatised and bullied